Jousting of Peace


In this event, only the knights (K) participate. The objective is to win a jousting competition by accumulating 21 points or by dismounting all knights of the opposite players, while not getting out of combat by injuries. This event can take from 20 to 60 minutes.


Every player removes the Princess (Q), Squires (J), two Aces (one red, one black) from the 52 cards deck, and starts with five cards in hand: three Knights (K), two Joker cards (representing the mounts) and the two remaining Aces. Later the players will place in front of themselves a row with the knight that is participating and the chosen gear. On their left side, players can place the numeric card pile face down, and to the left of this pile, the discard pile. Use two 12-sided dice (2d12) as Jousting Dice, one six-side die (1d6) as Flying Mount Die and three 6-sided dice (3d6) of different color as Injury Dice.

Actions per round

Champions run to each other at the same time and each of these runs is called a pass or a tilt. Only two player can joust during a pass.

On a pass, both players jousting can do the following actions:

  1. Select an initial knight or a replacement. A replaced knight cannot return to the event.
  2. Draw five numeric cards and assign them facedown for head, body, arms, and shield (see layout).
  3. Select the type of mount (flying or ground) and type of lance (peace or war)
  4. Roll dice and define the result of each pass.
  5. Discard the numeric cards used.


Each player chooses what is aiming (head, shield, body, arms) at the opponent champion. Then players flip the card (face up) of that body location on their champions.

Selecting a mount and lance

You can select either a flying or ground mount, use the selected mount next to the jousting champion. In the case of the lance, place an ace next to the mount, red ace for the lance of war, black ace for the lance of peace.

Rolling the dice

Pass Roll: Each player rolls the jousting dice pool (and injury dice if any) and compares each die with the opponent card, every result equal or higher than the card number is considered a success, otherwise it is a failure.

Critical Result: If you get a result of 12 (“raven”) in any 1d12, is considered a critical result (crit), this result is equal to two successes. On the other hand getting an 11 (“feather”) is considered a “half crit” or in other words a regular success. Note: A group of ravens is commonly referred to as an “unkindness” or a “conspiracy.”

Dismount: If you get three successes or more, you get to dismount the opponent knight.

Fumble: If you get more 1s (ones) than successes you activate the fumble mode. Once in fumble mode every 1 becomes negative event point. However if you fumble and your opponent get 2 successes, your knight is dismounted, and you neither gain nor lose any event points.

Push a Roll: After a roll you may decide to “push” or re-roll any dice you want once. If you do so you receive one minor injury.


  • Ground Mount: Allows you to collect gifts from one of the four princesses. Every time you get 4 or more event points on a pass while using this mount, for the next pass you get to roll an extra d12 and pick the best result.
  • Flying Mount: Using this mount a result of 11 (“feather”) is also a critical success. However getting a fumble means your knight fall and it counts as dismounted.
  • Lance of Peace: It breaks once with one success, breaks twice with 2 successes. These are represented with a black ace next to the knight.
  • Lance of War: When aiming anywhere but the shield, this lance produces one minor injury with one success, and one major injury with 2 successes. When aiming the shield you can roll an extra 1d12 given you get a result with 2 successes.

Injuries & dismount

  • Minor injury: Adds an injury die to your injury pool. On this die a result of 1 (“snake”) cancels a success. A result of 6 (“heal”) removes that die from your injury pool. You can only get 3 minor injuries.
  • Major injury: When you receive a major injury you get a permanent injury die that can not be healed during the jousting event, and it is represented rotating your knight card 90 degrees and a d6 of different color. Additionally roll your current injury dice pool (major and minor). Any result of 1 (“snake”) means your knight can not continue jousting.
  • Dismount: A Knight gets disqualified by getting dismounted. You can not continue playing with that knight. Also a dismounted knight doesn’t get any point on that pass.


These are accumulated based on successful hits on the opponent (one success is enough to hit). The location where you aim determines the number of points you earn. Additional points can be earned from special conditions such as a dismount or breaking the lance of peace.

Hit Head Shield Body Arms Lance Breaks Dismount
Points 3 3 2 1 1 / success 5

Winning Conditions

  • If a player is the only one with standing Knights, they win, regardless of the points they’ve accumulated. Knights cannot joust alone.

  • If a Knight reaches 21 points but is disqualified in the same pass (e.g., due to injuries or dismounting), the Knight must be alive at the end of the pass to win.

Optional Rules

  • Multiplayer: In games with more than two players, gameplay proceeds in turns, that can go clockwise or counterclockwise (your choice). Starting player can be determined randomly. On their turn, a player can challenge any other player, and they engage in a pass as if it were a 1v1 game.
  • Points Threshold: This changes the initial knights and points to win. The points threshold includes all points made from all players, once the threshold is reached, the event stops, and the winner is the player with the highest points who still has at least one standing knight.
Players 2 players 3 players 4 players 5 players 6 players
Knights /Player 3 Knights 2 Knights 1 Knight 1 Knight 1 Knight
Pts Threshold 20 Pts. 30 Pts. 35 Pts. 45 Pts. 50 Pts.